
This tutorial will explain you how to calculate, visualize and configure line-plots.

Single metagene


from bismarkplot import *

# Firstly, we need to read the regions annotation (e.g. reference genome .gff)
genome = Genome.from_gff("path/to/genome.gff")
# Next we need to filter regions of interest from the genome
genes = genome.gene_body(min_length=0, flank_length=2000)

# Now we need to calculate metagene data (e.g. from Bismark output)
metagene = bismarkplot.Metagene.from_bismark(
    genome=genes,  # filtered regions

# Our metagene contains all methylation contexts and both strands, so we need to filter it 
# (OPTIONAL for line-plot)
filtered = metagene.filter(context="CG", strand="+")

# LinePlot now can be created
lp = filtered.line_plot()

Basic usage

The easiest way to get the plot is to call .draw_mpl() or .draw_plotly() methods to get matplotlib and Plotly versions of plots respectively

figure = lp.draw_mpl()

basic line-plot mpl

Or for Plotly version

figure = lp.draw_mpl()

No Metagene filtering

If metagene was not filtered by context, line-plot for all contexts on the same figure will be created

lp = metagene.line_plot()  # Metagene from previous example

figure = lp.draw_mpl()

multi line-plot mpl

And for plotly version

figure = lp.draw_mpl()

multi line-plot plotly

Advanced configuration

Examples for matplotlib version of plots will be shown, but Plotly version is identical.

For all examples we use metagene filtered by CG context.

label parameter

Custom label can be set for line-plot using label parameter:

lp.draw_mpl(label="My custom label")

line-plot mpl label

minor_labels parameter

Labels for upstream, body and downstream regions can be changed to custom, but exactly 3 need to be provided.

Set [] to disable.

lp.draw_mpl(minor_labels=["-2000kb", "Gene", "+2000kb"])

line-plot mpl label


line-plot mpl label

major_labels parameter

Labels for body region start and end (e.g. TSS, TES) can be changed to custom, but exactly 2 need to be provided.

Set [] to disable.

lp.draw_mpl(major_labels=["Start", "End"], minor_labels=[])

line-plot mpl label

lp.draw_mpl(major_labels=[], minor_labels=["-2000kb", "Gene", "+2000kb"])

line-plot mpl label