- LinePlot.draw_plotly(figure: Figure | None = None, label: str = '', tick_labels: list[str] | None = None, show_border: bool = True, fig_rows: int | list | None = None, fig_cols: int | list | None = None, **kwargs)[source]
Draws line-plot on given figure.
- Parameters:
figure – plotly.graph_objects.Figure. New is created if
label – Label of line on line-plot
tick_labels – Labels for upstream, body region start and end, downstream (e.g. TSS, TES). Exactly 5 need to be provided. Set
to disable.show_border – Whether to draw dotted vertical line on body region borders or not
kwargs – Keyword arguments for plotly.graph_objects.Scatter
fig_cols – Cols of the subplot where to draw the line plot.
fig_rows – Rows of the subplot where to draw the line plot.
- Return type: