Source code for bsxplorer.Plots

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Iterable

import matplotlib.cbook
import numpy as np
import polars as pl
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt, colormaps, colors as mcolors
from matplotlib.axes import Axes
from matplotlib.figure import Figure
from plotly import graph_objects as go, express as px
from plotly.subplots import make_subplots
from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA as PCA_sklearn

from .utils import prepare_labels

def savgol_line(data: np.ndarray | None, window, polyorder=3, mode="nearest"):
    if window and data is not None:
        if np.isnan(data).sum() == 0:
            window = window if window > polyorder else polyorder + 1
            return savgol_filter(data, window, polyorder, mode=mode)
    return data

def plot_stat_expr(stat):
    if stat == "log":
        stat_expr = (pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).log1p().mean().exp() - 1
    elif stat == "wlog":
        stat_expr = (((pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).log1p() * pl.col("count")).sum() / pl.sum("count")).exp() - 1
    elif stat == "mean":
        stat_expr = (pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).mean()
    elif"^q(\d+)", stat):
        quantile ="q(\d+)", stat).group(1)
        stat_expr = (pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).quantile(int(quantile) / 100)
        stat_expr = pl.sum("sum") / pl.sum("count")
    return stat_expr

def lp_ticks(ticks: dict, major_labels: list, minor_labels: list):
    labels = dict(

    if major_labels and len(major_labels) == 2:
        labels["body_start"], labels["body_end"] = major_labels
    elif major_labels:
        print("Length of major tick labels != 2. Using default.")
        labels["body_start"], labels["body_end"] = [""] * 2

    if minor_labels and len(minor_labels) == 3:
        labels["up_mid"], labels["body_mid"], labels["down_mid"] = minor_labels
    elif minor_labels:
        print("Length of minor tick labels != 3. Using default.")
        labels["up_mid"], labels["body_mid"], labels["down_mid"] = [""] * 3

    labels = prepare_labels(major_labels, minor_labels)

    if ticks["body_start"] < 1:
        labels["down_mid"], labels["body_end"] = [""] * 2

    if (ticks["down_mid"] - ticks["body_end"]) < 1:
        labels["up_mid"], labels["body_start"] = [""] * 2

    x_ticks = [ticks[key] for key in ticks.keys()]
    x_labels = [labels[key] for key in ticks.keys()]

    return x_ticks, x_labels

def flank_lines_mpl(axes: Axes, x_ticks, x_labels: list, borders: list = None):
    borders = list() if borders is None else borders
    if x_labels is None or not x_labels:
        x_labels = [""] * 5
    axes.set_xticks(x_ticks, labels=x_labels)

    for border in borders:
        axes.axvline(x=border, linestyle='--', color='k', alpha=.3)

    return axes

def flank_lines_plotly(figure: go.Figure, x_ticks, x_labels, borders: list = None, fig_rows=None, fig_cols=None):
    borders = list() if borders is None else borders
    if x_labels is None or not x_labels:
        x_labels = [""] * 5

    fig_rows = fig_rows if isinstance(fig_rows, list) else [fig_rows]
    fig_cols = fig_cols if isinstance(fig_cols, list) else [fig_cols]

    for row in fig_rows:
        for col in fig_cols:
                lambda xaxis: xaxis.update(dict(
                row=row, col=col

            for border in borders:
                figure.add_vline(x=border, line_dash="dash", line_color="rgba(0,0,0,0.2)", row=row, col=col)

    return figure

class LinePlotData:
    x: np.ndarray
    y: np.ndarray
    x_ticks: Iterable
    borders: Iterable
    lower: np.ndarray | None = None
    upper: np.ndarray | None = None,
    label: str = ""
    x_labels: list[str] | None = None

[docs]class LinePlot: """ Class for generating line plot. Parameters ---------- data Instance of :class:`LinePlotData` (e.g. generated from :func:`Metagene.line_plot_data`) """ def __init__(self, data: list[LinePlotData] | LinePlotData): = data if isinstance(data, list) else [data]
[docs] def draw_mpl( self, fig_axes: tuple = None, label: str = "", tick_labels: list[str] = None, show_border: bool = True, **kwargs ) -> Figure: """ Draws line-plot on given matplotlib axes. Parameters ---------- fig_axes Tuple of (`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure <>`_, `matplotlib.axes.Axes <>`_). New are created if ``None`` label Label of line on line-plot tick_labels Labels for upstream, body region start and end, downstream (e.g. TSS, TES). **Exactly 5** need to be provided. Set ``None`` to disable. show_border Whether to draw dotted vertical line on body region borders or not kwargs Keyword arguments for matplotlib.plot Returns ------- ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` See Also -------- :doc:`LinePlot example<../../markdowns/lineplot>` `matplotlib.pyplot.Figure <>`_ `matplotlib.pyplot.subplot() <>`_ : To create fig, axes `Linestyles <>`_ : For possible linestyles. """ fig, axes = plt.subplots() if fig_axes is None else fig_axes for line_data in axes.plot( line_data.x, line_data.y, label=line_data.label if line_data.label else label, **kwargs ) if line_data.lower is not None: axes.fill_between(line_data.x, line_data.lower, line_data.upper, alpha=.2) flank_lines_mpl( axes=axes,[0].x_ticks, x_labels=tick_labels if tick_labels is not None else[0].x_labels,[0].borders if show_border else [] ) axes.legend() axes.set_ylabel('Methylation density, %') axes.set_xlabel('Position') return fig
[docs] def draw_plotly( self, figure: go.Figure = None, label: str = "", tick_labels: list[str] = None, show_border: bool = True, fig_rows: int | list = None, fig_cols: int | list = None, **kwargs ): """ Draws line-plot on given figure. Parameters ---------- figure `plotly.graph_objects.Figure <>`_. New is created if ``None`` label Label of line on line-plot tick_labels Labels for upstream, body region start and end, downstream (e.g. TSS, TES). **Exactly 5** need to be provided. Set ``None`` to disable. show_border Whether to draw dotted vertical line on body region borders or not kwargs Keyword arguments for plotly.graph_objects.Scatter fig_cols Cols of the subplot where to draw the line plot. fig_rows Rows of the subplot where to draw the line plot. Returns ------- ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure`` See Also -------- :doc:`LinePlot example<../../markdowns/lineplot>` `plotly.graph_objects.Figure <>`_ """ figure = make_subplots() if figure is None else figure for line_data in traces = [] name = line_data.label if line_data.label else label args = dict(x=line_data.x, y=line_data.y, mode="lines") traces.append(go.Scatter(**args, name=name, **kwargs)) if line_data.lower is not None: ci_args = dict(line_color='rgba(0,0,0,0)', name=name + "_CI", mode="lines") traces.append(go.Scatter(x=line_data.x, y=line_data.upper, **ci_args, showlegend=False)) traces.append(go.Scatter(x=line_data.x, y=line_data.lower, **ci_args, showlegend=True, fill="tonexty", fillcolor='rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2)')) figure.add_traces(traces, rows=fig_rows, cols=fig_cols) figure.for_each_xaxis(lambda axis: axis.update(title="Position")) figure.for_each_yaxis(lambda axis: axis.update(title="Methylation density, %")) figure = flank_lines_plotly( figure=figure,[0].x_ticks, x_labels=tick_labels if tick_labels is not None else[0].x_labels,[0].borders if show_border else [], fig_rows=fig_rows, fig_cols=fig_cols ) return figure
@dataclass class HeatMapData: matrix: np.ndarray x_ticks: list borders: list label: str = "" x_labels: list[str] | None = None
[docs]class HeatMap: """ Class for generating heat map. Parameters ---------- data Instance of :class:`HeatMapData` (e.g. generated from :func:`Metagene.heat_map_data`) """ def __init__(self, data: list[HeatMapData] | HeatMapData): = data if isinstance(data, list) else [data]
[docs] def draw_mpl( self, label: str = "", tick_labels: list[str] = None, show_border: bool = True, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, color_scale="Viridis", facet_cols: int = 4, **kwargs ): """ Draws heat-map plot on given matplotlib axes. Parameters ---------- label Title for axis vmin Set minimum value for colorbar explicitly. vmax Set maximum value for colorbar explicitly. color_scale Name of color scale. tick_labels Labels for upstream, body region start and end, downstream (e.g. TSS, TES). **Exactly 5** need to be provided. Set ``None`` to disable. show_border Whether to draw dotted vertical line on body region borders or not. facet_cols Maximum number of plots on the same row. Returns ------- ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` See Also -------- `matplotlib.pyplot.Figure <>`_ `Matplotlib color scales <>`_: For possible colormap ``color_scale`` arguments. """ plt.clf() subplots_y = len( // facet_cols + 1 subplots_x = facet_cols if len( > facet_cols else len( fig, axes_matrix = plt.subplots(subplots_y, subplots_x) if not isinstance(axes_matrix, np.ndarray): axes_matrix = np.array(axes_matrix) axes_matrix = axes_matrix.reshape((subplots_x, subplots_y)) for count, hm_data in enumerate( vmin = 0 if vmin is None else vmin vmax = np.max(hm_data.matrix) if vmax is None else vmax axes = axes_matrix[count % facet_cols, count // facet_cols] assert isinstance(axes, Axes) image = axes.imshow( hm_data.matrix, interpolation="nearest", aspect='auto', cmap=colormaps[color_scale.lower()], vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax ) axes.set_title(label) axes.set_xlabel('Position') axes.set_ylabel('') plt.colorbar(image, ax=axes, label='Methylation density, %') flank_lines_mpl(axes,[0].x_ticks,[0].x_labels if tick_labels is None else tick_labels,[0].borders if show_border else []) axes.set_yticks([]) return fig
[docs] def draw_plotly( self, figure: Figure = None, title: str = None, vmin: float = None, vmax: float = None, color_scale="Viridis", tick_labels: list[str] = None, show_border: bool = True, row: int | list = None, col: int | list = None, facet_cols: int = 4 ): """ Draws heat-map plot on given plotly figure. Parameters ---------- figure Plotly Figure, where to plot HeatMap title Title for axis vmin Set minimum value for colorbar explicitly. vmax Set maximum value for colorbar explicitly. color_scale Name of color scale. tick_labels Labels for upstream, body region start and end, downstream (e.g. TSS, TES). **Exactly 5** need to be provided. Set ``None`` to disable. show_border Whether to draw dotted vertical line on body region borders or not. row Row, where heatmap will be plotted. col Column, where heatmap will be plotted. facet_cols Maximum number of plots on the same row. Returns ------- ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure`` See Also -------- `Plotly color scales <>`_: For possible colormap ``color_scale`` arguments. `plotly.graph_objects.Figure <>`_ """ labels = dict( x="Position", y="Rank", color="Methylation density, %" ) if len( > 1 and (row is not None or col is not None): warnings.warn("Selecting row or col is not compatitable with multiple HeatMap instances.") row, col = None, None subplots_y = len( // facet_cols + 1 if len( != facet_cols else 1 subplots_x = facet_cols if len( > facet_cols else len( figure = make_subplots(rows=subplots_y, cols=subplots_x, shared_yaxes=True) if figure is None else figure for count, hm_data in enumerate( fig_row = count // facet_cols + 1 if row is None else row fig_col = count % facet_cols + 1 if col is None else col new_fig = px.imshow( hm_data.matrix, labels=labels, title=title, zmin=vmin, zmax=vmax, aspect="auto", color_continuous_scale=color_scale, ) figure.add_traces(, rows=fig_row, cols=fig_col) figure.for_each_yaxis(lambda axis: axis.update(showticklabels=False, title="Rank"), row=fig_row, col=fig_col) figure.for_each_xaxis(lambda axis: axis.update(title="Position"), row=fig_row, col=fig_col) flank_lines_plotly(figure, hm_data.x_ticks, hm_data.x_labels if tick_labels is None else tick_labels, hm_data.borders if show_border else [], fig_row, fig_col) figure.add_annotation( text=hm_data.label if title is None else title + hm_data.label, row=fig_row, col=fig_col, xref="x domain", yref="y domain", x=0.5, y=1.1, showarrow=False, font=dict(size=16) ) figure.layout.coloraxis.update(colorbar=new_fig.layout["coloraxis"]["colorbar"].update(len=.8, lenmode="fraction", yref="paper")) return figure
[docs]class PCA: """PCA for samples initialized with same annotation.""" def __init__(self): self.region_density = [] self.mapping = {}
[docs] def append_metagene(self, metagene, label, group): """ Add metagene to PCA object. Parameters ---------- metagene Metagene to add. label Label for this appended metagene. group Sample group this metagene belongs to Examples -------- >>> pca = bsxplorer.PCA() >>> >>> metagene = bsxplorer.Metagene.from_bismark(...) >>> pca.append_metagene(metagene, 'control-1', 'control') """ self.region_density.append( metagene.report_df .group_by("gene") .agg((pl.sum("sum") / pl.sum("count")).alias("density")) .with_columns([ pl.lit(label).alias("label") ]) ) self.mapping[label] = group
def _get_pivoted(self): if self.region_density: concated = pl.concat(self.region_density) return concated.pivot(values="density", index="gene", columns="label", aggregate_function="mean", separator=";").drop_nulls() else: raise ValueError() def _get_pca_data(self): pivoted = self._get_pivoted() excluded ="gene")) labels = excluded.columns groups = list(map(lambda key: self.mapping[key], labels)) matrix = excluded.to_numpy() return self.PCA_data(matrix, labels, groups) class PCA_data: """ PCA data is calculated with `sklearn.decomposition.PCA <>`_ """ def __init__(self, matrix: np.ndarray, labels: list[str], groups: list[str]): self.matrix = matrix self.labels = labels self.groups = groups pca = PCA_sklearn(n_components=2) fit: PCA_sklearn = self.eigenvectors = fit.components_ self.explained_variance = fit.explained_variance_ratio_
[docs] def draw_plotly(self): """ Draw PCA plot. PCA data is calculated with `sklearn.decomposition.PCA <>`_ Returns ------- ``plotly.graph_objects.Figure`` See Also -------- `plotly.graph_objects.Figure <>`_ """ data = self._get_pca_data() x = data.eigenvectors[0, :] y = data.eigenvectors[1, :] df = pl.DataFrame({"x": x, "y": y, "group": data.groups, "label": data.labels}).to_pandas() figure = px.scatter(df, x="x", y="y", color="group", text="label") figure.update_layout( xaxis_title="PC1: %.2f" % (data.explained_variance[0]*100) + "%", yaxis_title="PC2: %.2f" % (data.explained_variance[1]*100) + "%" ) return figure
[docs] def draw_mpl(self): """ Draw PCA plot. PCA data is calculated with `sklearn.decomposition.PCA <>`_ Returns ------- ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` See Also -------- `matplotlib.pyplot.Figure <>`_ """ data = self._get_pca_data() fig, axes = plt.subplots() x = data.eigenvectors[:, 0] y = data.eigenvectors[:, 1] color_mapping = {label: list(mcolors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys())[i] for i, label in zip(range(len(set(data.groups))), set(data.groups))} for group in set(data.groups): axes.scatter(x[data.groups == group], y[data.groups == group], c=color_mapping[group], label=group) axes.set_xlabel("PC1: %.2f" % data.explained_variance[0] + "%") axes.set_ylabel("PC2: %.2f" % data.explained_variance[1] + "%") for x, y, label in zip(x, y, data.labels): axes.text(x, y, label) axes.legend() return fig
@dataclass class BoxPlotData: values: list label: str locus: list = None id: list = None @classmethod def empty(cls, label=None): return cls([], label if label is not None else "", [], [])
[docs]class BoxPlot: """ Class for generating box plot. Parameters ---------- data Instance of :class:`BoxPlotData` (e.g. generated from :func:`Metagene.box_plot_data`) """ def __init__(self, data: list[BoxPlotData] | BoxPlotData): = data if isinstance(data, list) else [data] self.values = [bp_data.values for bp_data in data] self.labels = [bp_data.label for bp_data in data] self.n_boxes = len(self.labels)
[docs] def draw_mpl( self, fig_axes: tuple = None, showfliers=False, title: str = None, violin: bool = False ): """ Draw box plot with matplotlib. Parameters ---------- fig_axes Tuple of (`matplotlib.pyplot.Figure <>`_, `matplotlib.axes.Axes <>`_). New are created if ``None`` showfliers Show outliers on the boxplot. title Title of the box plot. violin Should box plot be visualized as violin plot. Returns ------- ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` """ if fig_axes is None: plt.clf() fig, axes = plt.subplots() else: fig, axes = fig_axes if violin: axes.violinplot(self.values, showmeans=False, showmedians=True) else: axes.boxplot(self.values, showfliers=showfliers) axes.set_xticks(np.arange(1, self.n_boxes + 1), labels=self.labels) axes.set_title(title) axes.set_ylabel('Methylation density') return fig
[docs] def draw_plotly( self, figure: Figure = None, title="", violin: bool = False, points: bool | str = False, fig_rows: int | list = None, fig_cols: int | list = None ): """ Draw box plot with plotly. Parameters ---------- figure `plotly.graph_objects.Figure <>`_. New is created if ``None`` points Specify which points should be included (`see Plotly docs <>`_) title Title of the box plot. violin Should box plot be visualized as violin plot. fig_cols Cols of the subplot where to draw the box plot. fig_rows Rows of the subplot where to draw the box plot. Returns ------- ``matplotlib.pyplot.Figure`` """ figure = make_subplots() if figure is None else figure for data, label in zip(self.values, self.labels): args = dict(y=data, name=label) trace = go.Violin(points=points, **args) if violin else go.Box(**args, boxpoints=points) figure.add_traces([trace], rows=fig_rows, cols=fig_cols) for row in (fig_rows if isinstance(fig_rows, list) else [fig_rows]): for col in (fig_cols if isinstance(fig_cols, list) else [fig_cols]): figure.for_each_annotation(lambda layout: layout.update(dict( title=title, yaxis_title="Methylation density" )), row=row, col=col) return figure
[docs] def mpl_box_data(self): return {hm_data.label: matplotlib.cbook.boxplot_stats(hm_data.values) for hm_data in}