Source code for bsxplorer.ChrLevelsClass

from __future__ import annotations

from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import polars as pl
from pyreadr import write_rds

from .Base import read_chromosomes, validate_chromosome_args
from .Plots import savgol_line, LinePlotData, LinePlot, BoxPlotData, BoxPlot
from .UniversalReader_classes import UniversalReader

[docs]class ChrLevels: """ Read report and visualize chromosome methylation levels """
[docs] def __init__(self, df: pl.DataFrame) -> None: """ Read report and visualize chromosome methylation levels Parameters ---------- df """ = df # delete this in future and change to calculation of plot data # when plot is drawn self.plot_data = self.__calculate_plot_data(df)
@staticmethod def __calculate_plot_data(df: pl.DataFrame): group_cols = [pl.sum("sum"), pl.sum("count"), pl.min("start").alias("chr_pos")] mut_cols = [(pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).alias("density")] if "upper" in df.columns: group_cols += [pl.mean("upper"), pl.mean("lower")] return ( df .sort(["chr", "window"]) .group_by(["chr", "window", "context"], maintain_order=True) .agg(group_cols) .group_by(["chr", "window"], maintain_order=True) .agg(pl.all().exclude(["chr", "window"])) .with_row_count("fragment") .explode(pl.all().exclude(["chr", "window", "fragment"])) .with_columns(mut_cols) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_bismark( cls, file: str | Path, chr_min_length=10 ** 6, window_length: int = 10 ** 6, block_size_mb: int = 100, use_threads: bool = False, confidence: float = None ): """ Initialize ChrLevels with CX_report file Parameters ---------- file Path to the report file. chr_min_length Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed window_length Length of windows in bp block_size_mb Size of batch in bytes, which will be read from report file (for report types other than "binom"). use_threads Will reading be multithreaded. confidence Pvalue for confidence bands of the LinePlot. """ reader = UniversalReader(**(locals() | dict(report_type="bismark"))) args = validate_chromosome_args(chr_min_length, window_length, confidence) report_df = read_chromosomes(**(locals() | args)) return cls(report_df)
[docs] @classmethod def from_cgmap( cls, file: str | Path, chr_min_length=10 ** 6, window_length: int = 10 ** 6, block_size_mb: int = 100, use_threads: bool = False, confidence: float = None ): """ Initialize ChrLevels with CGMap file Parameters ---------- file Path to the report file. chr_min_length Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed window_length Length of windows in bp block_size_mb Size of batch in bytes, which will be read from report file (for report types other than "binom"). use_threads Will reading be multithreaded. confidence Pvalue for confidence bands of the LinePlot. """ reader = UniversalReader(**(locals() | dict(report_type="cgmap"))) args = validate_chromosome_args(chr_min_length, window_length, confidence) report_df = read_chromosomes(**(locals() | args)) return cls(report_df)
[docs] @classmethod def from_bedGraph( cls, file: str | Path, cytosine_file: str | Path, chr_min_length=10 ** 6, window_length: int = 10 ** 6, block_size_mb: int = 100, use_threads: bool = False, confidence: float = None ): """ Initialize ChrLevels with CGMap file Parameters ---------- file Path to the report file. cytosine_file Path to preprocessed by :class:`Sequence` cytosine file. chr_min_length Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed window_length Length of windows in bp block_size_mb Size of batch in bytes, which will be read from report file (for report types other than "binom"). use_threads Will reading be multithreaded. confidence Pvalue for confidence bands of the LinePlot. """ reader = UniversalReader(**(locals() | dict(report_type="bedgraph"))) args = validate_chromosome_args(chr_min_length, window_length, confidence) report_df = read_chromosomes(**(locals() | args)) return cls(report_df)
[docs] @classmethod def from_coverage( cls, file: str | Path, cytosine_file: str | Path, chr_min_length=10 ** 6, window_length: int = 10 ** 6, block_size_mb: int = 100, use_threads: bool = False, confidence: float = None ): """ Initialize ChrLevels with CGMap file Parameters ---------- file Path to the report file. cytosine_file Path to preprocessed by :class:`Sequence` cytosine file. chr_min_length Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed window_length Length of windows in bp block_size_mb Size of batch in bytes, which will be read from report file (for report types other than "binom"). use_threads Will reading be multithreaded. confidence Pvalue for confidence bands of the LinePlot. """ reader = UniversalReader(**(locals() | dict(report_type="coverage"))) args = validate_chromosome_args(chr_min_length, window_length, confidence) report_df = read_chromosomes(**(locals() | args)) return cls(report_df)
[docs] @classmethod def from_binom( cls, file: str | Path, chr_min_length=10 ** 6, window_length: int = 10 ** 6, confidence: float = None, p_value: float = .05 ): """ Initialize ChrLevels with .parquet file from :class:`Binom`. Parameters ---------- file Path to the report file. chr_min_length Minimum length of chromosome to be analyzed window_length Length of windows in bp confidence Pvalue for confidence bands of the LinePlot. p_value Pvalue with which cytosine will be considered methylated. """ reader = UniversalReader(**(locals() | dict(report_type="binom", methylation_pvalue=p_value))) args = validate_chromosome_args(chr_min_length, window_length, confidence) report_df = read_chromosomes(**(locals() | args)) return cls(report_df)
[docs] def save_plot_rds(self, path, compress: bool = False): """ Saves plot data in a rds DataFrame with columns: +----------+---------+ | fragment | density | +==========+=========+ | Int | Float | +----------+---------+ """ write_rds(path, self.plot_data.to_pandas(), compress="gzip" if compress else None)
[docs] def filter(self, context: str = None, strand: str = None, chr: str = None): """ Filter chromosome methylation levels data. Parameters ---------- context Methylation context (CG, CHG, CHH) to filter (only one). strand Strand to filter (+ or -). chr Chromosome name to filter. Returns ------- :class:`ChrLevels` """ context_filter =["context"] == context if context is not None else True strand_filter =["strand"] == strand if strand is not None else True chr_filter =["chr"] == chr if chr is not None else True if context_filter is None and strand_filter is None and chr_filter is None: return self else: return self.__class__( & strand_filter & chr_filter))
@property def _ticks_data(self): ticks_data = self.plot_data.group_by("chr", maintain_order=True).agg(pl.min("fragment")) x_lines = ticks_data["fragment"].to_numpy() x_lines = np.append(x_lines, self.plot_data["fragment"].max()) x_ticks = (x_lines[1:] + x_lines[:-1]) // 2 # get middle ticks x_labels = ticks_data["chr"].to_list() return x_ticks, x_labels, x_lines def line_plot_data(self, smooth: int = 0): y = self.plot_data["density"].to_numpy() upper, lower = None, None if "upper" in self.plot_data.columns and np.isnan(self.plot_data["upper"].to_numpy()).sum() == 0: upper = savgol_line(self.plot_data["upper"].to_numpy(), smooth) * 100 lower = savgol_line(self.plot_data["lower"].to_numpy(), smooth) * 100 y = savgol_line(y, smooth) * 100 x = np.arange(len(y)) x_ticks, x_labels, x_lines = self._ticks_data return LinePlotData(x, y, x_ticks, x_lines, lower, upper, x_labels=x_labels)
[docs] def line_plot(self, smooth: int = 0): return LinePlot(self.line_plot_data(smooth))
def box_plot_data(self): pd_df = ( .group_by(["chr"]) .agg((pl.col("sum") / pl.col("count")).alias("density")) .sort("chr") ) data = pd_df.to_dict() chroms = data["chr"] values = data["density"] return [BoxPlotData(value, chrom) for chrom, value in zip(chroms, values)]
[docs] def box_plot(self): """ Returns ------- BoxPlot """ return BoxPlot(self.box_plot_data())